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Gazipur, Bangladesh
Hey its Farzana Kabir.I am the lecturer of department of genetics and plant breeding in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University,gazipur, Bangladesh


colourful Gladiolus
 Gladiolus derived from the latin word "gladius",meaning sword on account of the sword like shape of its foliage.The sword lily is its common name.Corn flag is its another name.There are 4 types of gladiolus.they are 1.Grandiflorus,2.Primulinus,3.butterflys,4.Miniatures.It spreads in India in 19th century.Short day length may effect the flowering.It requires 8-10 hours of daylength.15 degree centrigate tremperature is required for better growth & earlier flowering.It requires some growth regulators. like GA3,IAA,SADH,CCC etc.Propagation is done by seed,corm,cormels.After 75-90dap flowering started.When color visible in 1-2 floret at base but not open remain compact flowers are harvested.Gladiolus mostly used as cut flowers.Cooked corms are useful against the diarrhoea.

Its hindi name is RAJANIGANDHA.It holds prime position because of its popularity as cut flowers,loose flowers as well as for its potential in perfume industry.             

Production technology:
It is a warm climate flower.temperature that is needed is rangingfrom 26 degree to30 degree.The blossom period is early to late fall.The pH of soil should be 6.5-7.5.For propagation 1.5-2.5cm bulb are considered as suitabla size.The best time of planting is 2nd to last week of March.Nitrogen is much more vital element than phosphoras ands potassium.Picking of flower is done in the morning or in the evening.Tuberose should be cut when lower 2-3 florets have opened.Tuberose is widely used in our country.
top portion of tuberose


 Scientific name: Tagetis erecta.Marigolds are ideal as cut flowers.The dwarf types are suitable for hanging baskets.Flower extract is used as blood purifier.It is highly effective in keeping the population of nematode under control.There are 33species of Tagetis.We are found 3 types of marigold.They are american merigold,french merigold & chinese marigold.
American merigold in my garden on roof

Chinese marigold
Production technology:

Deep friable soil having good water holding capacity and well drained is most desirable.An ideal soil for marigold cultivation is fertile sandy loam.ph of soil should be 7-7.5.High temperature affect the flower production.required temperature is 14.5-25 degree centrigate.Propagation is done by seeds and cuttings.Marigold can be raised 3 times in a year-rainy winter & summer season.Pinching is done in marigold plant.that means growing shoot apex is cut down for better flower production.Flowers are harvested after attaining full size.total yield for africanmarigold is 11-18 ton/ha and for French marigold is 8-12 ton/ha.  


Rose comes from Rosa genus within the family of Rosaceae.There are about 100species with a great variety of color.Most are native to asia.Universely roses are known as queen of flower.Rose is a symbol of LOVE,ADORATION & INNOCENCE not in our time only but also for thousands of years & it has been growing on this earth since time immemorial.Its different types havingflowers of exquisite shape,different sizes,bewitching colors & most delightful fragrance has made it an important flower.Besides their beauty Rose oil is used in making perfume.Rose water is also useful for cooling body & used in eye lotion.Rose petals are consumed directly by pounding equal proportion of petals and white sugar. 
MY 1st practice of pinching that was done on this plant and it was worked.Ordinarily this plant was given only 1 or 2 flowers.after my operation it gave 14 flowers.I felt proud to do that.My openion to my little sister was "IF WE(agriculturist)JUST TOUCH ANY PLANT IT MUST BE SMILE"

Production technology in brief:
The place that get six hours of direct sunlight.The best time for planting is early spring to early fall.Propagation is done by seeds & vegetative methods.Seed propagation is adopted by breeder for producing new cultivars.Vegetative methods are cutting(stem & root cutting),layering,grafting,budding & micropropagation.Pruning and pinching is most necessary exercise for rose planting.The best time for pruning is the period when the activity of rose plant is least.pinching is done to enhance the flower cultivation.The yield of cut flower ranges between 150-200 per m2.  

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